Small Business Consulting
Small Business Consulting
About Us
Mr. Rodriguez is an expert in business sales and transactions, as well as business valuations. He has been consulting with and helping small businesses for over 20 years.   He holds the following licenses:

-California Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (inactive) license
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants’ (AICPA) Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV). 
-California Department Real Estate Salesperson license (Agent)

Mr. Rodriguez received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Accounting from the University of San Diego (USD).  He is the managing director of Integrity Valuations, Inc., a valuation and consulting firm, as well as the Director of Sales for The Veld Group, a business brokerage, valuation and consulting firm.  He has personally sold over 250 businesses and been involved in over 500 transactions, formally appraised over 100 businesses and calculated value estimates of over 1,000 businesses, and consulted with parties on lease negotiations, corporate structure, partnership agreements as well as other advisory services.  Fluent in Spanish, Mr. Rodriguez has also provided integral services to the Latino community.
Robert Rodriguez, through Integrity Valuations, Inc., has been serving small and medium sized businesses for nearly 20 years specializing in consulting and the appraisal of closely held companies.  Our business valuations are custom tailored to the client's need, whether required to comply with IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 or a scaled down product that provides a fair market valuation at a reduced cost from a full report.

Our valuations are prepared in compliance with the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) Statement on Standards for Valuation Services and prepared under the supervision of an Accredited Business Valuator as designated by the AICPA, as well as certified public accountants.

Our long-term loyal clients rely on our professional expertise for their financial and strategic planning.

Our background in business transactions and mergers and acquisitions with extensive experience in the food and beverage, hospitality and travel industries, has spanned to Asia and beyond.
Robert  is an avid family man and entrepreneur.  He enjoys traveling, golf, music, biking, fitness, gardening, cooking and anything involving time with his family and friends.  His travels have taken him throughout Europe, China, Japan, Thailand, India, Cuba and much of the US.  

"I don't think of work as work and play as play.  It's all living"
Richard Branson
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