Small Business Consulting
Small Business Consulting
Experienced, Professional, Strategic Consulting Services
We provide experienced, professional, strategic consulting services
that maximize value for small businesses.
What do you think your company is worth?
$100,000 - $500,000
$500,000 - $1,000,000
$1,000,000 - $2,000,000
$2,000,000 +
Business Valuation

    -Prepare for Business Sale or Exit
    -Internal Buy/Sell Arrangements
    -Partnership Disputes
    -Estate & Gift Tax
    -Detail and Summary Valuation Reports
Consulting services

    -Business Strategy / Strategic Planning
    -Real Estate
    -Corporate Formation / Start-Ups
    -Budget & Forecasting Modeling
    -Liquor License Consulting (California Only)
Expert Witness Testimony and Consulting
    -Contracts and Leases
    -Business Sales and Practices
    -Business Valuation
    -Forensic Accounting
    -Deposition and Court Testimony
CFO Level Consulting Services for the Small Business and Growing Entrepreneur

  • INTEGRITY VALUATIONS brings over 20 years of experience as a business broker with over 300 successful sale transactions, a professional valuator, a CPA and CFO.  We will provide a comprehensive blueprint to prepare you for a graceful exit.
Business Valuations & 
Appraisal Reports
Detail and Summary Reports
Prepare for a Business Sale or Exit

Internal Buy/Sell Arrangements

Partnership Disputes

Estate and Gift Tax

Mr. Rodriguez is an expert in business sales and transactions, as well as business valuations. He has been consulting with and helping small businesses for over 20 years. He holds the following licenses:

-California Certified Public Accountant (CPA) (inactive) license since 2003
-American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
(AICPA) Accredited in Business Valuation (ABV) 2011
-California Department Real Estate Salesperson license (Agent) since 2003

He is the managing director of Integrity Valuations, Inc., a valuation and consulting firm, as well as the Director of Sales for The Veld Group, a business brokerage, valuation and consulting firm. He has personally sold over 300 businesses and been involved in over 500 transactions, formally appraised over 100 businesses and calculated value estimates of over 1,000 businesses, and consulted with parties on lease negotiations, corporate structure, partnership agreements as well as other advisory services. 
He has also served as CFO of various start up and early stage companies, and been retained as an expert in numerous cases related to business sales, contracts, leases and partnership disputes. 

Fluent in Spanish, Mr. Rodriguez has also provided integral services to the Latino community.
7 Tips to Increase Your Company Value
1. Clean Up Your Company Financials
Ensure that you have 3 years of clean financials supported by reconciled bank statements.  Make sure they match your tax returns.  Clean financials will help facilitate a smooth transaction, pass due diligence and position the sale for bank financing.  Businesses that qualify for bank financing provides sellers with a greater chance of getting cashed out and often times a higher price.
2. Determine the Value of Your Company
Get a professional 3rd party valuation that provides a realistic fair market value estimate of your company.  This will serve as a marketing report that communicates to buyers that you are serious about selling and have invested in a sophisticated service to assess and analyze your company.  The more professional your report looks, the more professional you look.
3. Prepare Your Exit Plan
Determine your goals and timeline.  Delegate responsibilities and automate your business as much as possible so that it does not rely on any key employee, and reduces reliance on you.  Additionally, understand your current value and your target value, and map out an executable plan to achieve your target value.  Diversify your customer composition; avoid overconcentration of just a few customers.
4. Continue to Grow Sales, Don't Regress
Focus on making sure your sales and profitability trends continue to grow.
5. Maintain Your Assets
Ensure your assets are up to date with service and repairs, and that your facility and operations are in compliance with regulations, permits and codes.  Deferred maintenance and compliance issues will either lead to closing concessions and a lower sale price, or a cancelled transaction.
6. Have Your Contracts and Legal in Order
Ensure your contracts are secure, complete and ready to transfer if necessary.  Determine whether you are better suited for an asset sale or a stock sale, understand the difference and pros and cons of both.  Be sure any satisfied liens have been cleared and legal issues are resolved.  Review your facility lease and understand the assignment clauses.
7. Consult Your Tax Advisor
Once you have an idea of your estimated company value, consult your tax advisor to determine your potential tax effect.  Understand potential taxes on capital gains as well as possible depreciation recapture that may apply.  Additionally, you may qualify for certain tax deferral programs.


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