Small Business Consulting
Small Business Consulting
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Building Company Value One Step At a Time

INTEGRITY VALUATIONS can help guide you through any and all business issues you may be experiencing.  We are always working towards helping you grow your company, address inefficiencies and increase the overall value of your business.  Our service fees will be based on the estimated time to perform the engagement. 
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-Business Strategy / Strategic Planning
-Real Estate / Leases
-Corporate Formation / Start-Ups
-Budget & Forecasting Modeling
-Liquor License Consulting (California Only)
-Financial Statement Cleanup and Review
-General Understanding of Value
-How to Increase Company Value
-How to Raise Capital
-Quickbooks Consulting
-Capital Structuring / Restructuring
Consulting services will be offered via telephone, or video conference if requested.
Business valuations come in all shapes and sizes.  It's processes and procedures are used to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business. Valuations are used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to effect a sale of a business. As a business owner, you should be aware of your value regardless of whether you intend to sell or not.  In addition to estimating the selling price of a business, the same valuation tools are often used by business appraisers to resolve disputes related to estate and gift taxation, divorce litigation, allocate business purchase price among business assets, establish a formula for estimating the value of partners' ownership interest for buy-sell agreements, and many other business and legal purposes such as in shareholders deadlock, divorce litigation and estate contest.

Our valuation reports are custom tailored to fit your needs, and priced accordingly.  Your situation will dictate your requirements, which depend on whether you seek a valuation for internal decisions, partnership issues, or 3rd party agreements or disputes.  Valuations are typically designed to provide the fair market value of a going concern entity, however can be applied to dissolutions or liquidations, whether orderly or forced. 
There are 3 general Approaches to Business Valuation include:  Asset Based; Earnings Method (also known as Income Method); and the Market Value
Asset-Based Approach
Asset based approaches determine value based on the underlying value of the individual tangible and intangible company assets.  Values are typically based on estimated fair market value or liquidation value of tangible assets.  Tangible assets may include furniture, fixtures, equipment, inventory and vehicles. Intangible assets may also be included for transferrable licenses, customer lists, brands, contracts, or other intangible that may be sold and transferred to a new party.  Asset based approaches are typically used when the company's going concern is in jeopardy, and its operations may be short lived, therefore goodwill is not included in estimates.  At times, the use of specialists may be required to provide value estimates of certain technical or specialized equipment.
Earnings (Income) Method
The income approach relies upon the economic principle of expectation: the value of business is based on the expected economic benefit and level of risk associated with the investment. Income based valuation methods determine fair market value by dividing the benefit stream generated by the subject company by a discount or capitalization rate. The discount or capitalization rate converts the stream of benefits into present value. There are several different income methods, including capitalization of earnings or cash flows, discounted future cash flows ("DCF"), and the excess earnings method (which is a hybrid of asset and income approaches). The result of a value calculation under the income approach is generally the fair market value of a controlling, marketable interest in the subject company, since the entire benefit stream of the subject company is most often valued, and the capitalization and discount rates are derived from statistics concerning public companies. IRS Revenue Ruling 59-60 states that earnings are preeminent for the valuation of closely held operating companies.
Market Method
The market approach to business valuation is rooted in the economic principle of substitution: Buyers would not pay more for the business, and the sellers will not accept less, than the price of a comparable business enterprise. The buyers and sellers are assumed to be equally well informed and acting in their own interests to conclude a transaction. It is similar in many respects to the "comparable sales" method that is commonly used in real estate appraisal. The market price of the stocks of publicly traded companies engaged in the same or a similar line of business, whose shares are actively traded in a free and open market, can be a valid indicator of value when the transactions in which stocks are traded are sufficiently similar to permit meaningful comparison.
We are available for Expert Testimony and Consulting for legal disputes regarding the following (among other areas):

-Contracts and Leases
-Business Sales and Practices
-Business Valuation
-Forensic Accounting
-Deposition and Court Testimony
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